(Code- C03)
Purpose: The course is intended to provide an advanced level of intellectual property rights with comprehensive theoretical knowledge.
- Understanding inventions and identifying IP Assets
- Understanding role of patents in business scenario
- Limitations and costs involved in patenting procedures
- Various forms of IP securing the research information
- Conducting patent searches
- Analytics of patent obtained in search
- Introduction to various kinds of patent searches
- Brief idea about extraction of novel aspects in an invention
- Search methodology in landscape study
- Conducting White space analysis using landscape studies
- Types of patent searches during research process
- Importance and process of Competitor vigilance and Technical evaluations
- Devising IP Strategy and IP maintenance
- Importance of IP Due Diligence
What will course offers:
- Sound insight into the best methods of innovation management, resource utilization and commercial exploitation of the IP under study.
- Participants will gain depth knowledge about importance and impact of IPR on everyday business.
- Detailed understanding of patents during research process.
- Advantages of performing a patent search before going to file a patent.
- Well rounded training in critical appraisals of complex intellectual property related issues in work situations and use of effective tools for conflict resolutions.
- An analysis that integrates financial history, regulatory and compliance soundness, and market competitiveness analysis
Duration: 5 Days class Fee: INR 8000/-

- Enhance the market value of your business.
- Interactive sessions with the Industry Leads
- Experienced and experts from the industry and government.
- Enhance export opportunities for your business
- Propagate information on national and international IPR issues
- Create IPR awareness among various professionals
- Capacity development by strengthening and expanding human resources, institutions for training, research and skill building in IP
- After completion of the course your prospects to join IP departments in respective industry or any law firms brighter than any normal post graduates.
Ganapathi S Naidu.K
Patent Attorney
Hima Bindu Atti
Managing Director of Novel Patent Services
Murali Krishna Pattabhi
Founder & Director of Novel Patent Services
Patent attorneys / IP experts who are having an experience of 10 to 15 experience or more will teach the concerned modules.
All internal research teams, Inventors.
Upon successful completion of curriculum & subsequent assessments, participants will be awarded the certificates by Kalam Institute of Health Technology.