IPR Analytics
(Code- C02)
Purpose: The program is designed to have in depth understanding and methodologies to handle, on day to day activities if you are working or wanted to work in an IP Team of any company.
- Introduction to IP: History, Types of IP
- International Treaties & Conventions for protection of IP
- Role of IP in promotion and development of trade and commerce
- Evolution of IP Laws & Indian Patent Act
- Practical Issues of Patenting
- Indian Patent Act 1970
- International patent laws and jurisdictions PCT, USPTO, EPO etc
- Introduction to patent procedures & time lines for domestic and international filing
- Understanding R&D and Innovation culture needs
- Introduction to various kinds of patent searches
- Introduction to different Search Databases
- Brief idea about extraction of novel aspects in an invention, Patentability Search in Detail with examples
- Landscape studies and analytics
- Freedom to Operate/ Clearance Searches
- Invalidation Searches
- Project work on all types of Searches
What will course offers:
- An appreciative insight and overview of the role and signifance of different forms of IP
- The participant will acquire an understanding of the fundamentals of the IPR related procedures and practices in their protection
- A practical knowledge of the management of the intellectual properties for greater social and financial value generation.
- Hands on training to students or professionals on different projects which are supposed to be executed by an IPR Team.
Duration: 6 months( 3 months weekend classes ) (3 months full time internship with paid stipend) Fee: INR 45000/-

How this course can benefit Engineering Students?
Our proven Learning System will help you…
- Strengthen on what you learned in theory in your curriculum through our Analytics training.
- Improve your chances to get more pay than having just an engineering degree.
- Enhance your skills by actually working on projects.
- Get 1-on-1 support from people who are already working.
- Venture into a niche career which not many Engineers know about. This could be a difference maker.
- Earn while you learn through our paid Internship.
- Get a head start with hands-on training by experts who are working in the industry. This alone is worth the price of the course.
- Learn what faculty and others professionals are learning first hand.
- On-going support even after completing the coursework.
Through our proven training methodologies, we have trained over 100 new engineering graduates in-house to get on a project within 3 months. This is the first time we are offering the same course to students outside our company trainees.
The NPS Internship program offers students, graduates, professionals and many more have a chance to engage in meaningful research, writing and analysis in the field of IP and innovation law and policy. The interns will be required to provide high-quality research and writing assistance for various research papers, book projects, blog posts, public interest petitions, reports, advocacy campaigns and other initiatives undertaken by NPS with the aim of fostering a more transparent, collaborative and productive IP/innovation ecosystem in India.
Ganapathi S Naidu.K
Patent Attorney
Hima Bindu Atti
Managing Director of Novel Patent Services
Murali Krishna Pattabhi
Founder & Director of Novel Patent Services
Patent attorneys / IP experts who are having an experience of 10 to 15 experience or more will teach the concerned modules.
Graduates, Post Graduates, Research Scholars (from science, engineering and business with technical qualification) Students, Faculty, Domain Experts, Business, legal professionals.
Upon successful completion of curriculum & subsequent assessments, participants will be awarded the certificates by Kalam Institute of Health Technology.